Welcome to my store and thanks for stopping by! I've been teaching in out-of-school settings for over 15 years. From helping children understand wriggling pythons as a zoo education officer (dream job!), to using historical objects as keys to unlock our past, my teaching experience has been far from typical. I'm currently a schools manager for a museum and art gallery, working with hundreds of children of all ages each year.
Welcome to my store and thanks for stopping by! I've been teaching in out-of-school settings for over 15 years. From helping children understand wriggling pythons as a zoo education officer (dream job!), to using historical objects as keys to unlock our past, my teaching experience has been far from typical. I'm currently a schools manager for a museum and art gallery, working with hundreds of children of all ages each year.
Ribbit! This 25-slide PowerPoint presentation gives younger students a basic introduction to frogs, their features, diet, and their life cycle. This engaging lesson starter contains bright images, clear diagrams, as well as animations to help children increase their understanding of these amazing amphibians.
The images are fixed in place but the text boxes allow for you to edit the content as you wish to suit the needs of your learners.
A full video preview of this resource can be viewed - please check this out prior to purchase to see exactly what’s included.
Sequence the process of making jam and butter toast with this foldable sequencing/matching activity. This cut-and-paste resource encourages fine motor skills and is a fun alternative to a worksheet.
There are 5 template options to allow for differentiation:
Template 1: Children colour the template, cut around the outside, and fold.
Template 2: Colour, cut out the word labels, match and fold.
Template 3: Colour, cut out the stages, sequence, and fold.
Template 4: Larger version. Colour, cut out the stages, sequence, and fold.
Template 5: As above but with a straight cutting edge around the toaster.
Instructions for pupils and a picture to show how to fold is also included.
Please note that it is not possible to edit this product.
A US version is included that uses the word ‘jelly’ instead of ‘jam’.
This foldable sequencing activity allows pupils to order the stages of making/baking gingerbread. It is designed to help develop thinking and fine motor skills. The PDF is 8 pages, including prep notes and instructions.
You could add the finish foldouts to interactive notebooks, use this to support learning around The Gingerbread Man story, or as a fun Christmas activity.
Pupils cut out the stages, put them in order on the template, before cutting and folding. They will love bringing the 2 halves of their gingerbread foldout together, then gently pulling it apart to show the stages inside.
There are 3 similar versions included, including one with a straight cutting edge for those children who would struggle to cut around the outside of the gingerbread man.
UK and US paper sizes/spelling also included, as well as a picture guide showing how to fold.
The folding can be tricky for some children so you may want to make an example to reference before delivering this activity with your class.
BONUS FILE: A ‘Merry Christmas’ gingerbread activity sheet is also included in the file.
Do your KS1 pupils need a visual reminder for classification vocabulary? This colourful science word wall resource covers 18 keywords for a vertebrate animal classification topic (including the 5 vertebrate groups and their features).
Use the words to create an eye-catching display in your classroom for children to reference. You could also get creative with them! For example, use the labels with the single words on, print twice, cut out and create a pairs/memory game. Or, create a sorting game for children to match toys to the correct animal group.
The words are included in the following formats:
Single-word (no description), 3 to a page
Word with description - 1 per page
Word with description - 2 per page
Word with description - 4 per page
All files are flattened PDFs.
The 18 words included are:
Is this resource editable?
This resource is NOT editable.
If there is a word you’d like to see included, please do let me know.
UK and US paper sizes included.
These activities are a fun way to learn about composting, in the classroom. This compost resource features a foldable sequencing activity, sorting activity, and word search that will help your upper KS1/lower KS2 pupils understand how compost is made.
Use as part of an Earth Day or environment lesson, alongside creating compost at school/home, or for an eco/gardening club activity.
What’s included?**
Foldable sequencing activity. Children colour the stages of composting (the compost cycle), sequence the stages, cut out the template parts, glue, and fold. The template is included with and without a straight cutting edge so you can pick the one that best suits your learners.
Home/garden waste sort. Pupils sort 12 pictures into items that can be composted, and those that should be placed in the trash. Colour and b/w version included. This activity could be laminated to use multiple times.
Word search. 12 compost-related words to find across, up, down, and diagonally.
US and A4 (UK) paper sizes
Please note, this 8-page PDF resource is not editable.
Do you need a simple and easy end-of-school-year gift idea for your class? This cute jungle animal themed printable with an original poem can be given to your pupils at the end of term to remind them of your time together.
There are 4 options within the PDF:
Full-page poem with black text
Full-page poem with coloured text
The same poem arranged 2-to-a-page with black text
As above (2 to a page) but with colored text
Print on white card, and trim if required. Colours may vary slightly from what you see on the screen due to screen/printer settings.
The PDF is not editable. US letter and A4 paper size included.
Do you need a simple and easy end-of-school-year gift idea for your pupils? This cute ocean themed printable with an original poem can be given to your class at the end of term, to remind them of your time together.
There are 4 options within the PDF:
Full-page poem with black text
Full-page poem with coloured text
The same poem arranged 2-to-a-page with black text
As above (2 to a page) but with colored text
Print on white card, and trim if required. Colours may vary slightly from what you see on the screen due to screen/printer settings.
You could pair this printable with an ocean-themed gift for kids (e.g. pencil, candy, key ring).
The PDF is not editable. A4 and US letter size files included.
Get to know your new class with this school supplies themed all about me foldable activity. This activity is a fun alternative to a standard back-to-school worksheet for year 2 or 3, and can be used to make a first week of school display.
The templates
There are two templates, and each has a colour/black and white option.
Template 1: Children colour the pencil halves, complete the inside of their template, cut everything out, glue, and fold.
Template 2: Larger version over 2 pages
The template prompts
These are not editable so please take a moment to make sure they are suitable for your children before purchase.
My name - Children write their first name on the line.
Me - Draw a head and shoulders self-portrait.
I like learning about - Write or draw a favourite subject, or area of interest.
My favorite colours - Colour each circle in the paint palette a different colour.
The highlight of my day is - Write or draw favourite time of day/favourite part of the day.
My favourite food - Draw or write a favourite food inside the lunch box.
I’m good at - Write or draw a skill, talent, or something they do well inside the star.
My age - Write age on the calculator screen.
What else is included?
Versions with US and UK spelling
A picture showing where to fold
Instruction page for students
Start the school year by getting to know your new class with this fun sun craft. Children create a sun with rays to share the special things about themselves. Designed to be used during the first week of school, this activity will help upper KS1/lower KS2 children reflect on what makes them unique - a sweet way to boost self-esteem and confidence.
The templates:
There are 4 options for the centre of the sun, all of which are included
Ready to shine in year two
Ready to shine in year 3
Ready to shine in year 4
Ready to shine in my new class
The 6 prompts on the rays (which can be changed) are:
Positive words to describe me
Things that make me smile
I would like to learn about
My favourite subjects
I’m good at
Something I want to get better at
Is this resource editable?
This resource is partially editable. You have the option to change any of the text prompts on the sun’s rays by using the included PowerPoint or Google Slides template. All other parts of the resource are not editable.
What are the benefits of this activity?
Hands-on craft that allows pupils to share about themselves at the start of a new school year
Use the completed suns to create a back-to-school display
Children practice following directions
Develop fine motor and writing skills
Help build self esteem and self confidence
A great alternative to an ‘all about me’ worksheet
What do children need to complete this activity?
Printed sun centers and rays
Introduce or review the stages of an apple tree’s life cycle with this differentiated foldable sequencing activity and spinner wheel - a fun alternative to a worksheet to support an apple science lesson or unit at upper KS1 or lower KS2.
Life cycle of an apple tree foldable sequencing activity
There are 3 black and white template options to choose from:
Colour the apple life cycle stages, cut out and sequence the life cycle stage words, glue, and, fold.
Colour the life cycle stages, sequence the stages (pictures with words), glue, and fold.
Colour the life cycle stages and apple halves, sequence the stages (either with simple words, or with descriptions), glue, and fold.
Life cycle of an apple spinner wheel craft
There are 3 options to choose from: so you can choose which suits your needs best:
Option 1: Colour the apple and life cycle stages, sequence the life cycle stages, and then assemble the spinner.
Option 2: Colour version (red or green apple options). Children color the life cycle stages, sequence the stages, and assemble the spinner.
Option 3: Use red or green card for the apple template. Children colour the life cycle stages, sequence the stages, and assemble the spinner.
Benefits of these activities
Low prep
Children learn about the apple life cycle in a fun and hands-on way, that’s a bit different from a standard science worksheet.
Can be used to introduce the life cycle, or as a review/assessment to check understanding.
Encourages fine motor/scissor skills, hand-eye coordination, and sequencing.
Differentiated options allow for multiple age ranges or abilities to do the same activity.
Also included:
Life cycle sequencing cards and arrows in color and black/white. One way you could use these is to print them onto cards and cut out each piece. Children could work in small groups to sequence the life cycle stages, using the arrows to link them together. Laminate for longevity.
Label the apple parts cut and paste activity (colour and b/w option).
Life cycle diagram (colour).
Maze for early finishers
US and UK versions of the PDF
Welcome the New Year in 2025 with this fun, foldout activity for kids. Designed for younger children who may struggle with the concept of ‘goals’, this printable encourages them to think about what they want to ‘try’, ‘learn’, and ‘get better at’ during the coming year.
The templates
The template is included with 10 different hairstyles, allowing children to create a self-portrait on the front of their foldout.
Pupils then complete the middle section with prompts encouraging reflection and thinking about the year ahead.
The prompts (not editable)
My best memory of 2024
My proudest moment of 2024
This year I will…
In 2025 I would like to
-get better at
Also included
-Directions for pupils
-Versions for both US and UK (A4) paper sizes and spelling
-Picture showing where to fold
The PDF is 14 pages. Please note, the file is not editable.
Introduce or review the life cycle of a pumpkin plant and an apple tree by making these fun spinner wheels. This low-prep KS1 or lower KS2 science craft allows pupils to colour and sequence 6 life cycle stages, before assembling their spinner.
Use this cut and paste resource for a plant life cycles lesson, autumn science, or to compare the life cycles of a pumpkin and an apple.
The life cycle stage vocabulary in these activities is as follows:
Apple life cycle: seed, sprout, sapling, mature tree, flowers, fruit
Pumpkin life cycle: seed, sprout, vine, flowers, green pumpkin, mature pumpkin
Options for this activity
For each life cycle, there are 3 options to choose from so you can choose which suits your needs best:
Option 1: Colour the pumpkin/apple and life cycle stages, sequence the life cycle stages, and then assemble the spinner.
Option 2: Colour version. Children colour the life cycle stages, sequence the stages, and assemble the spinner.
Option 3: Use coloured card. Children colour the life cycle stages, sequence the stages, and assemble the spinner.
For each option, directions for pupils are included.
What materials are required?
Printed templates
Pencil crayons
Paper fasteners
What else is included?
Full-page diagram for each life cycle (colour)
Full-page description poster for each life cycle stage (colour). These could be printed or displayed on a screen to introduce the life cycle to children.
Pumpkin word search with answers for early finishers. Words (x12) can be found across, down, and diagonally. Solution page included.
US and UK versions of the PDF
Is this resource editable?
No, the PDFs are not editable
Introduce or review the life cycle of a pumpkin plant by making these fun spinner wheels. This low-prep science craft allows KS1 or lower KS2 pupils to sequence 6 life cycle stages: seed, sprout, vine, flowers, green pumpkin, and mature pumpkin. Use for an autumn or Halloween lesson, in an interactive science notebook, or for a plant life cycles activity.
Options for this activity
There are 3 options to choose from: so you can choose which suits your needs best:
Option 1: Colour the pumpkin and life cycle stages, sequence the life cycle stages, and then assemble the spinner.
Option 2: Colour version. Children colour the life cycle stages, sequence the stages, and assemble the spinner.
Option 3: Use orange cards for the pumpkin. Children colour the life cycle stages, sequence the stages, and assemble the spinner.
For each option, directions for pupils are included.
What else is included?
Life cycle diagram (colour)
Full-page description poster for each life cycle stage (colour). These could be printed or displayed on a screen to introduce the life cycle to children.
Word search with answers for early finishers. Words (x12) can be found across, down, and diagonally. Solution page included.
US and UK versions of the PDF
Introduce or review the stages of carving a pumpkin or making a jack o’lantern with this fun, foldout activity. A mix of craft and worksheet, this low-prep activity can be for learning about pumpkins at upper KS1 or lower KS2, or to practice sequencing or writing directions.
The templates
There are 4 template options to allow for differentiation. Choose from cut and paste, or writing directions.
Template 1: Colour the 4 images, sequence them in order on the template (first, next, then, last), cut around the template and jack o’lantern, glue, and fold.
Template: As above but with 6 stages to sequence.
Template 3: Colour the 4 images, write the directions for each stage of carving a pumpkin on the template, cut around the template and jack o’lantern, glue, and fold.
Template 4: As above but with 6 stages.
Each template also has an easy-cut jack o’lantern with a straight cutting edge (rectangle around the pumpkin) for less confident cutters.
Benefits of this activity
Hands-on and low-prep
Opportunity to practice following directions and fine motor skills
A FUN alternative to a worksheet
Differentiated options
Suitable for interactive notebooks
Is this resource editable?
No, this PDF resource is not editable.
Every child is unique and special. Help build their self-confidence and self-esteem with this foldout activity, where pupils reflect on what makes them proud to be themselves. Use this fun alternative to a worksheet as part of a self-esteem or an upper KS1/lower KS2 PSHE lesson that will leave kids glowing with self-love and confidence.
This printable activity has 14 face templates with different hairstyles (and a girl wearing a hijab). Each is included with and without a rectangle outline to make the activity more accessible for those children who might struggle to cut around the outside of their template.
Pupils start by colouring their template to look like them.
Each template asks children to fill in the following with words and pictures:
-3 positive words that describe me (there is a word bank to help with this one).
-I am good at…
-I feel proud when I…
-I am a good friend because…
These prompts are not editable.
Print the templates you need on paper or card. Make sure you have lots of coloured pencils, particularly in skin tones. Pupils will need scissors but glue/tape are not required.
A folding guide is included. You’ll also find separate files with US and UK paper sizes/spelling.
Introduce or review the life cycle of a poppy flower with this foldout sequencing activity. An engaging way to learn about plant life cycles, or to create a science link to Remembrance Day (Armistice), or ANZAC Day.
Pupils colour the poppy and life cycle stages, sequence the stages, glue, cut and fold in a concertina style. They can open their poppy to reveal the life cycle stage inside.
Options are included for sequencing with the stage names (e.g. seed, seedling, growing plant, buds, flowers, seed heads), or with short descriptions.
Benefits of this activity
Opportunity to practice following directions and fine motor skills
A hands-on alternative to a worksheet
Differentiated options
Use as an introduction or a review of plant life cycles
What else is included?
Colour life cycle poster
Picture showing where to fold
Set of printable cards over 2 pages to cut and use for a center/small group activity or introduction (colour and black & white).
UK and US versions of the file.
Is this resource editable?
This 8 page PDF resource is not editable. If you have any questions before purchasing, please reach out and I’ll be happy to help.
Are you looking for a fun and interactive addition to your food chains topic that’s different from a standard worksheet? This science food chains craft project activity is hands-on, with different animal templates to choose from. Ideal for a KS1 lesson on ecosystems, feeding relationships, or habitats.
The templates
This resource has templates for 4 food chains (lion, grizzly bear, shark and snake).
Each template, excluding the snake, has 2 similar designs (one for easy cutting) and all have 2 label options (one set includes the words ‘producer’ and ‘consumer’). Just choose the template(s) that works best for your children.
Lion: 3-stage food chains (grass, zebra, lion)
Shark: 4-stage food chain (seaweed, fish, seal, shark)
Bear: 4-stage food chain (algae, shrimp, salmon, grizzly bear)
Snake: 4-stage food chain (leaf, snail, frog, snake)
Children colour the animal template and food chains stages, sequence the stages, glue, cut and fold.
Once folded, pupils can hide their food chain by bringing the 2 halves of the template together, then gently pull apart to reveal the inside.
Extension activity
A blank tiger template for a food chain with 3 stages is included. Students can use this to draw/write a food chain. Some basic research is required for this.
How much prep is required?
There is minimal prep required. Print the designs you plan to use on A4 paper. Pupils need coloured pencils, scissors, and glue.
Directions showing where to fold are included (you may wish to make an example beforehand for those who might find folding tricky).
There is a version for both US and UK spelling/paper size.
Is this resource editable?
No, this resource is not editable.
These differentiated science foldable activities make learning about food chains fun!
Children can sequence plants and animals for different food chains before cutting out their templates and folding them. The finished results are ideal for an interactive science notebook or whole-class display.
There are two resources in this food chains bundle.
**Rainforest, Woodland and ocean habitat food chains **
For each habitat, there are 4 options included:
Template 1: Colour the food chain template and food chain stages, cut and fold.
Template 2: Color the template and food chain stages, arrange the stages in order, glue, cut, and fold.
Template 3: Colour the template, draw/write a 3-stage food chain for that habitat in the boxes, cut, and fold.
Template 4: Colour the template, draw/write a 4-stage food chain for that habitat in the boxes, cut, and fold.
In addition, you’ll find a blank template included that you can use for any habitat.
Food chains animal head foldouts
This resource has templates for 4 food chains (lion, grizzly bear, shark and snake).
Each template, excluding the snake, has 2 similar designs (one for easy cutting) and all have 2 label options (one set includes the words ‘producer’ and ‘consumer’). Just choose the template(s) that works best for your children.
Lion: 3-stage food chains (grass, zebra, lion)
Shark: 4-stage food chain (seaweed, fish, seal, shark)
Bear: 4-stage food chain (algae, shrimp, salmon, grizzly bear)
Snake: 4-stage food chain (leaf, snail, frog, snake)
Children colour the animal template and food chains stages, sequence the stages, glue, cut and fold.
Once folded, pupils can hide their food chain by bringing the 2 halves of the template together, then gently pull apart to reveal the inside.
There is minimal prep required. Print the designs you plan to use on paper or card. Students need coloured pencils, scissors and glue.
Is this resource editable?
No, this resource is not editable.
The honey bee is one of the most important insects on the planet, pollinating lots of the plants that we eat and use. Help your KS1 or lower KS2 pupils understand its life cycle with this foldable science cut and paste activity.
The finished foldout makes a lovely addition to science books/interactive notebooks. Use for an insect life cycle or honey bee lesson, or as an activity to celebrate World Bee Day in May. Students will love opening their foldout to reveal the life cycle inside!
Benefits of this activity:
-Low prep
-Children learn about the honeybee life cycle in a fun and hands-on way, that’s a bit different from a standard science worksheet.
-Can be used to introduce the life cycle, or as a review/assessment to check understanding.
-Encourages fine motor/scissor skills, hand-eye coordination (folding), and sequencing.
-Differentiated options allow for multiple age ranges or abilities to do the same activity.
-Finished foldouts can be inserted into an interactive notebook where they can be referenced by children.
The templates
There are 3 similar printable templates to choose from in this resource allowing you to differentiate or for students to choose their favourite design. Each design includes 4 life cycle stages; egg, larva, pupa, bee.
The templates are not editable.
What else is included?
-Colour poster
-Word wall/flash cards (3 to a page, colour and b/w)
-Label the honey bee body parts cut and paste worksheet
-3 mazes for early finishers of varying difficulty
-Directions for pupils
In total, the PDF is 21 pages.
Create an eye-catching and informative skeletons-themed display for your classroom. This resource contains the following:
‘BONES’ title letters. There are 2 design options (one with a pattern, the other with bone-shaped letters).
Skeleton poster (a mixture of scientific and common names used). A version is included for A3 and A4 sizes.
10 A4 posters with facts, information, and x-ray pictures of bones. There are also 4 individual bones to cut out and mount with some extra facts!
Check out the video preview to see exactly what’s in this resource.
UK and US paper sizes included. The file is not editable.
This resource has been designed to support the KS2 (year 3) science curriculum, in particular:
‘Identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for
support, protection and movement’.